Creativity as the Creation and Implementation of Possibilities

Creativity as the embodiment of Possibilities

Creativity as a realization of the “Mystical potency” (Laozi, 6th c. BC); Creativity as “feeding the life” (shang yang), the realization of the “fullness of life characteristics” (Chuang-tzu, 4th c. BC); Emptiness as a treasure and reason of self-generation of things and entities (Nagarjuna, 2nd -3rd c. AD, Wang Bi, 2nd c. AD); Creativity as an «Inventio» and imagination (Lorenzo Valla, Leonardo da Vinci15 c.); The creation as a selection of the best of all possible worlds (Gottfried W. Leibniz, 1714); Creativity as the creation of multiple possibilities of being, raising to a higher power and potencies (F. Schelling, 1799, 1803); Creativity as an experience of mystery, implementation of the supernatural, mystical, intimate, wonderful and unknown entities (F. Schlegel, 1799, Novalis, 1837);
Creativity as creation of the “secondary worlds” and languages construction (J.R.R. Tolkien, 1931); Construction of worlds “phantocreatics” (Stanislaw Lem, 1964); Creativity as searching for possibilities, transition from the “is” to the “maybe” (Edward de Bono, 1978); The mysterious and “essential unpredictability “of creativity (L. Briskman, 1980); Create a stand-alone possible world (R. Bradley, N. Swartz 1980; D. Lewis, 1986; L. Dolezel, 1988; M.L. Rayan, 1991; М. I. Spariosu, 1997); Creation a Fictional Worlds (T. G. Pavel, 1986 ); Creating a virtual world (N.A. Nosov, 1994; S.S. Horuzhy, 1997; N.B. Mankovskaya, 2000); Construction of all possible worlds, playing with the text (R. Barthes, 1973; J. L. Borges, 1982; U. Eco, 1983); Creating a system of possible worlds as enhancing creativity (V.S. Efimov, A.V. Laptev, S.V. Ermakov, 1994); Constraction as creating a multiplisity of contingent worlds, potentiation of being, the transition from natural to the possible, possibilitation of existence (M. Epstein, 2003); Construction of the Worlds (A.G. Asmolov, V.A. Petrovsky, 2009).
Play as the actualization of an individual’s and environment’s potential(L.S. Vygotsky, 1933, J. Piaget, 1962; D. Winnicott; James E. Johnson, 1976; G.Fein,1987; S. Ayman-Nolley, 1999; D. Schafer, 2006; B. Pearson, S.W. Russ, S. Spannagel, 2008).

The creative imagination, fantasy and Possibility of thinking 
Consideration of world from the attitude Als ob – “as if” (I. Kant, 1790; Hans Vaihinger, 1911); Construction and potentiation as a free posting of first principles and rising to the higher possibilities (F. Schelling, 1803);  Irrational process, a play and the free flight of fantasy (F. Schlegel, 1799, Novalis, 1837); Romanticizing and a qualitative potentization of the world (Novalis, 1837);
Fantasies as an unconscious desire fulfilment (love and power) (S. Freud, 1908); Imagination as a unity of mental functions (L.S. Vygotsky, 1930); Imagination as the highest level of creativity and thinking (I.E. Golosovker, 1961, 1987); Creative Imagination: high-level integration of creativity and imagery (B. Forisha (1983); The identity of the mechanisms of perception and imagination (S.M. Kosslyn, 1983); Imagination as indirect generation and exploration of mental images (preventive forms) (R. Finke, 1990; S. M. Kosslyn, 1990; T.B. Ward, 1995; John C. Houtz, C. Patricola, 1999; Arthur I. Miller, 2000; P. Harris, 2000; D.Nettle, 2001; A. R. Damasio, 2001; N. Le Boitiller, D.F. Marks, 2003);
Creativity as a fantasy (figurative and verbal elements) (I.M. Rozet, 1991); Creating of the worlds as Recentering (M.L. Rayan, 1991); Creating hypotheses and gaps (lacunas), which activates the imagination and interpretations (L. Dolezel, 1988); Possibility thinking (A. Craft, 2000, 2001; B. Jeffrey, 2003, 2005; A. Craft, T. Grainger, P. Burnurd, 2006); The implementation of the mechanism and creative technique “What if?» (A. Craft, B. Jeffrey, 2003); Rational imagination as a way to create an alternate reality (R.M.J. Byrne, 2005); Creativity and imagination as openness and a passion for possibility, for “what could be” (Maxine Greene, 2007).