- The Best Creativity Techniques
- Classical Brainstorming
- Synectics
- Morphological analysis
- Free Association – creative technique
- Analogy technique as a tool for creative problem solving
- Method of focal objects
- The Kipling method (5W1H)
- How to solve a problem – checklist by G. Polya
- Five Why – interrogative technique
- SCAMPER – Creative technique for ideation
- The Phoenix checklist – Creative Thinking Technique
- Lateral thinking technique – effective tool for creative problem solving
- Mind Mapping for creativity and innovation
- The Six Thinking Hats as a tool for creativity and innovation
- Wishful Thinking – creativity technique for breakthrough innovation
- Reversal (Inversion) as a creative problem solving technique
- TRIZ – method of enhancing creativity and generating breakthrough innovations
- 40 Inventive Principles in classical and modern TRIZ
- “What if?” – A powerful creativity and possibility thinking technique
- Lotus Blossom Technique
- Role Playing as a Creative Problem Solving Technique
- Freewriting – Subconscious creative technique
- C. Jung’s “16 Associations” Test as a Problem Solving Method
- Dream Journaling as a technique for finding creative solutions
- Metaphor technique for creative problem solving
- Design Thinking – New Way of Vision and Creative Problem-solving
- Proven Gamification Techniques to Boost Creativity & Problem-Solving
Creative problem solving and
creativity techniques
I. Three pillars of activating creativity
1. Classical Brainstorming (Alex Osborn).
2. Synectics (William Gordon).
3. Morphological Analysis (Fritz Zwicky).
II. The classic methods of activating creativity
1. Focal Objects Method (Ch. Whiting).
2. Idea-Spurring Questions techniques, Checklists (G. Polya, A. Osborn, T. Eiloart, R. Crawford, J. Pearson, B. Eberle etc.).
2.1. Kipling technique (5Ws / H).
2.2. How to solve a problem (G. Polya)
2.3. Osborn’s Checklists
2.4. SCAMPER – Creative technique for ideation
2.5. Five Why – interrogative technique
2.6. The Phoenix checklist – Creative Thinking Technique
2.2. How to solve a problem (G. Polya)
2.3. Osborn’s Checklists
2.4. SCAMPER – Creative technique for ideation
2.5. Five Why – interrogative technique
2.6. The Phoenix checklist – Creative Thinking Technique
3. Free Association – creative technique
4. Analogies Technique.
5. Metaphors Technique.
4. Analogies Technique.
5. Metaphors Technique.
6. Lateral Thinking (de Bono E).
7. Six Thinking Hats Technique (de Bono E).
8. Concept Fan, Provocation Technique (de Bono E).
9. Mind mapping (T. Buzan).
10. Metaphorical Thinking (G. Morgan).
11. Visual Thinking Technique (R. McKim).
12. TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.
12.1. 40 Inventive Principles in classical and modern TRIZ
12.1. 40 Inventive Principles in classical and modern TRIZ
Additional techniques
1. Method of catalog (F. Kunze).
2. Attribute Listing, Attribute Association Technique (R. Crawford, A. VanGundy).
3. Component Detailing Technique (E. Wakin,1985).
4. SCIMITAR system (J. Carson).
5. Forced Analogy (R. Olson).
6. Forced Transfer and Forced Comparisons (J. Wyckoff).
7. Morphological Forced Connections. (D. Koberg and J. Bagnall).
8. Algorithm of Relations (H. Crovitz).
9. Sequence-Attribute modification matrix.
10. Guided Visualization, Imagework.
11. Associations technique , method of garlands of coincidences and associations (G. Bush).
12. Reversal method, Problem Reversal (Ch. Thompson).
III. Special and modern methods
of creativity activation
1. Wishful Thinking Technique (A. VanGundy).
2. System “The Universal Traveler “ (D. Koberg, J. Bagnal).
3. What -If Technique.
4. Osborn-Parnes Model of CPS.
5. Manipulative verbs Technique, “SCAMPER” (B. Eberle),
6. “Transform” (D. Iain, D. Berg).
7. Reframing Matrix (M. Morgan).
8. Lotus Blossom Technique (Yasuo Matsumura).
9. Free Writing/Wet Inking.
10. Design thinking (Rolf Faste, Tim Brown).
Additional techniques
1. Edison’s technique, Method “Trial and error”.
2. Force-field analysis is a technique (K. Lewin).
3. Multiple Redefinition (T. Rickards).
4. Progressive abstraction Technique (H. Geschka).
5. Decomposable matrices Technique (H. Simon).
6. Disjointed Incrementalism Technique (D. Braybrooke, C. Lindblom).
7. Focus Groups (R. Merton, E. Dichter).
8. Boundary Examination Technique.
9. Bug List Technique.
10. Modelling.
11. DO IT (R. Olsen).
12. Eight Disciplines Problem Solving.
13. Simplex (M. Basadur).
14. Disney Creativity Strategy (R. Dilts).
15. Unconscious Problem Solving.
16. Working with Dreams and Images (D. Glouberman).
17. 3B (Bus, bed, bath) Technique.
18. Fishhooking.
19. Indirect Strategies (B. Anno, P. Schmidt).
20. Random Stimuli Technique.
21. Other sensory lenguages (D. Adams).
22. Surfacing assumptions technique.
23. Left Right Brain Alternations technique.
24. Peaceful Setting technique.
25. Playing and Humorous approach.
26. Wise Counsel Technique (S. Parnes).
27. Creating Personal Hall of Fame (M. Michalko).
28. ”Superheroes” or Napoleon Technique.
29. Other Peoples Viewpoints.
30. System “Playful Perception Technique” (H. Left).