Boosting your Creativity in 10 Great Ways

10 Ways to improve your individual creativity

It doesn’t matter whether you are a writer, artist or hobbyist, you can plateau in your creativity at any time. This article is for anyone looking for new ways to start getting their creativity flowing again.

Here are 10 great ways to boost your creativity:

1. Learn to Relax

By relaxing, you rejuvenate your mind and creativity flows naturally. There are many ways to relax and unwind, freeing up your mind for better creativity. Simple activities like walking on the beach, engaging in your favorite sport activity, or whatever you choose that helps you relax.

2. Practice Meditation

Meditation silences all those hectic thoughts that are constantly playing in your mind throughout the day. By following different meditation techniques, you gain an inner calm while opening your mind to more creative thoughts and better ideas.

3. Write It Down

Writing down your ideas as soon as they pop into your head is a great habit and is a training exercise for the brain to keep the ideas coming. Writing ideas down clears the mind to move on to other ideas, and you never worry about forgetting them.

4. Expand Creativity with Lists

Creating interesting lists about the things in your life you care about the most helps expand the creative thought process.
An excellent way to make creative lists is with the list blogging platform, Listnerd. You can create and share lists, and add to the creative process by reading lists others create.

5. Stop Criticizing Yourself

Knowing you are doing things as best you can removes the barriers in front of your creative ideas. Never be harsh or criticize yourself, and learn to accept yourself for the way you are. You are creative, and by accepting that fact your self-limiting beliefs won’t block creativity.

6. Remove the Pressure of Expectations
Removing expectations is removing the stress you have about the outcome. Putting love and passion into your creations with no outcome expectations increases the chances of having an amazing creation.

7. Make Time for Reading

Nothing is better for relaxing and stimulating the mind than reading. Reading opens the mind to new ways of thinking while increasing creativity.
If reading is not your favorite thing, don’t force it; start small by spending 30 minutes a day with a book on your favorite topic. It can be anything you like from a hobby to your favorite sport. Devoting a set amount of time every day has you reading one or two books each month with little effort.

8. Listen to Classical Music

The brain functions better and is more creative when listening to certain songs and compositions. Albert Einstein knew this and always credited his creativity to listening to Mozart. He found listening to Mozart compositions helped his thinking, though he never understood why.
Today, science research has proven the idea of music-enhanced thinking. The brain’s creativity and performance increases from the positive effects of certain frequencies, also known as, iscochronic tones and binaural beats.
By engineering sound files with researched frequencies, scientists have proven increased brain performance. When listening to Mozart through stereo headphones, you quickly notice an increase in thinking and creativity.

9. Do Something New

If you want to give your creativity a big boost, bringing in many new ideas, do something you’ve never done before. This is anything you’ve always thought you’d like to do, like skydiving or bungee jumping, but have never taken the time to do.

10. Practice Makes Perfect

Practicing your craft every day, even for a little while, keeps your mind creative. If you write, then write something every day. If you want to be a good designer, design something every day, even if it’s just something as easy as redesigning the logo for your favorite cereal.

Jane Hurst