Creativity techniques: Brainstorming

Brainstorming and its basic types Classical brainstorming Brainstorming is one of the most widely used and extremely effective methods for divergent idea generation. This technique was...

Question  brainstorming

Question  brainstorming: characteristics and steps This process involves brainstorming the questions related to the problem, rather than trying to come up with immediate answers and short-term...

Stop-and-go Brainstorming

Stop-and-go Brainstorming technique Types of Brainstorming The brainstorming session is divided up into segments. Ideas are generated for three to five minutes and then the group is...

Team Idea mapping

Team Idea mapping, the essence and procedure steps The team idea mapping method is based on association. It may improve collaboration and increase the quantity...

Group passing technique

Group passing technique and its versions The Group passing technique involves sitting in a circle or around a table and offering solutions in a fast...

Individual brainstorming

Individual brainstorming and its types Individual brainstorming is done independently on a solitary basis. It typically includes such techniques as free writing, free speaking, free word ...

Gordon-Little variation

Progressive Revelation technique  Types of Brainstorming This technique was suggested by William Gordon while he was working for the Arthur D. Little Invention Design Unit in...

The Buzz session

Buzz session as type of brainstorming This method was developed by J.D. Phillips (1948). A small group drawn from a larger group that discuss a specific...

Trigger method

Trigger method as the type of brainstorming Types of Brainstorming The trigger method is often used in conjunction with classical brainstorming (Bujake, 1969). This method is based...

The Gallery method

Gallery method as the brainstorming technique  The Gallery method is the technique developed by the Battelle Institute and improved by Van Gundy, 1981 and others. In...

Round-Robin and Roundtable brainstorming

Round-Robin brainstorming, the verbal and written versions Spencer Kagan (1992) popularized the use of the terms Roundrobin (to refer to an spoken turn-taking strategy) and...

Classical Brainstorming

Brainstorming: Essence, rules and steps  1. Author Alex Osborn (May 24, 1888 Bronx, New York  – May 5, 1966  Buffalo, New York).  American сreativity theorist and...