Group passing technique

Group passing technique and its versions The Group passing technique involves sitting in a circle or around a table and offering solutions in a fast...

Blue slips technique

Blue slips technique as the type of group brainstorming  Method was developed by C. C. Crawford of the University of Southern California (USA) in the 1920s. It...

Group brainwriting technique

Group brainwriting with sharing ideas In this version new ideas are shared for additional stimulation. It is deal for groups that prefer to discuss through writing. Procedure...

Electronic or online brainstorming

Online brainstorming (Brainlining)  Types of BrainstormingAuthor: Peter Lloyd 1. Description Electronic brainstorming or simply Online brainstorming (Brainlining) is the modern version of brainstorming. The word brainlining is...

Individual brainwriting

Individual brainwriting technique Individuals write their ideas down in a private, quiet place and share them later. That is why this technique is also named Combined...

The classic cluster brainstorming method

Bubble Method This technique helps to reveal many different aspects of the topic. Procedure Steps: 1. Write the topic or word in the in the center of...

Brainwriting game

Brainwriting game technique This method is set in the form of competitive game.  As long as the game atmosphere is fun rather than overly competitive,...

Round-Robin and Roundtable brainstorming

Round-Robin brainstorming, the verbal and written versions Spencer Kagan (1992) popularized the use of the terms Roundrobin (to refer to an spoken turn-taking strategy) and...

Snowballing technique

Snowballing technique as the type of brainstorming It is so called on the analogy of the increasing size of a snowball when rolled down a...

Rolestorming technique

Rolestorming technique: he essence and procedure steps This method was developed by Griggs (1985) and described by VanGundy (1988). Participants take on another identity and view problems...

The Pin card technique

Basic Types of Brainstorming: Pin card technique  Pin-Card technique is another variation of Brainwriting method developed by the Battelle Institute (H. Geschka, et al., 1981) The...

Kaleidoscope Brainstorming Technique

Kaleidoscope Brainstorming Technique or Silent brainstorming  Multiple Mind Conferencing (MMC)  (Dr. Murthy) This is a new approach to the brainstorming process, including different variations as to...