
Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) technique The Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) method was developed by researchers at the Battelle Institute in Frankfurt, Germany (J. N Warfield, H. Geschka and...


Braindrawing as the brainstorming technique This technique can be used when a group of people prefer non-verbal methods of creativity. Braindrawing works by providing non-verbal...

The K-J method

Affinity Diagram Method was developed as the the Affinity Diagram by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita in the 1960s and has become one of...

The classic cluster brainstorming method

Bubble Method This technique helps to reveal many different aspects of the topic. Procedure Steps: 1. Write the topic or word in the in the center of...

Rolestorming technique

Rolestorming technique: he essence and procedure steps This method was developed by Griggs (1985) and described by VanGundy (1988). Participants take on another identity and view problems...


Brainwriting - freewriting technique  Types of Brainstorming Author. This method was originally popularized in Germany in the 70s and developed by Arthur B. VanGundy. Brainstorming is...

Combined brainstorming

Combined brainstorming 1. Double brainstorming After classical brainstorming session, participants make a break for 2-3 days and then repeat it again. During the break - the...


Rightbraining as the brainstorming technique It is used as a visual method of creating ideas. It also can be used also as a change from...

Nominal group technique

Nominal group technique: fundamental principles, essential characteristics and procedure steps This technique was originally developed by A. L. Delbecq and A. H. VandeVen  (1971),  and has...

Card story boards

Card storyboards as a type of brainstorming It is an “idea’ organizing” method using tree logic. With card storyboards, the facilitator can concentrate on idea generation...

Constrained brainwriting

Brainwriting pool technique with constraints This method is a version of the standard Brainwriting pool technique. Participants constrain ideas around pre-determined focus, rather than ranging freely....

Visual brainstorming

Visual brainstorming: procedure steps and variations Visual brainstorming technique is a graphic ideation, when group members sketch solutions to a problem. The sketches are used...