Air cliché

Basic Types of Brainstorming: Air cliché techniques  Author: Arthur Van Gundy This technique is the combination of a fun atmosphere, a structured brainstorming procedure, and brainwriting....

Group brainwriting technique

Group brainwriting with sharing ideas In this version new ideas are shared for additional stimulation. It is deal for groups that prefer to discuss through writing. Procedure...

Blue slips technique

Blue slips technique as the type of group brainstorming  Method was developed by C. C. Crawford of the University of Southern California (USA) in the 1920s. It...

Rotating roles

Rotating roles, variations and procedure steps Rotating between roles allows participants to bring forward different views in that role or position as a process owner...

Brainsketching as an idea-generation technique

Brainsketching - a type of Brainstorming Author: Arthur B. Van Gundy, Jr (1988) (May 24, 1946 – May 5, 2009) was a US communication professor, conference speaker, author...

The Military brainstorming version

The Military brainstorming technique This method is part of the “Appreciation Process”, which was developed by the both UK and Australian Army for operational planning...

Brainstorming Deluxe

Value-added brainstorming Author: Greg Bachman, 2000 The process of generating new ideas is divided into five stages, steps or segments. This method structures the flow...