How to make your life better already today

32 Microshifts You Can Start Doing Today To Be A Different Person By 2022 By Brianna WiestChances are, every time you’ve tried to make a...

An Incomplete Manifesto For Growth

Author: Bruce Mau 1. Allow events to change you. You have to  be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you....

20 Best Time-Management Lessons

Author: Étienne Garbugli, Montreal-based designer1. There's always time. Time is priorities You never run out of time. If you didn't finish something by the time...

14 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Сreativity

   Creativity is one of the most mysterious human qualities. Seemingly effortless for a rare few, it can be elusive for the majority. While...

5 Ways to Simplify Today

Author: Leo Babauta  Living a life of simplicity can be a beautiful thing. But simplifying itself can seem like an overwhelming process. So...

Boosting your Creativity in 10 Great Ways

10 Ways to improve your individual creativity It doesn’t matter whether you are a writer, artist or hobbyist, you can plateau in your creativity at...

The 30 Second Rule

The 30 Second Habit That Can Have a Big Impact On Your Life There are no quick fixes. I know this as a social science...