How to solve a problem – checklist by G. Polya
Polya's checklist
Author: Hungarian mathematician George Polya (1887–1985), one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century.
History: In 1945 George Polya proposed the four-step...
The Phoenix checklist – Creative Thinking Technique
The Phoenix checklist as creative problem solving technique
Michael Michalko. Thinkertoys: Handbook of Business Creativity for the 90's.Phoenix is a checklist of questions developed by the...
SCAMPER – Creative technique for ideation
SCAMPER –Creative tool for ideation
and problem solving
SCAMPER is an acronym from:
ReverseAuthor: Bob Eberle, education administrator
History: In 1953 Alex F. Osborn in his book...
Electronic or online brainstorming
Online brainstorming (Brainlining)
Types of BrainstormingAuthor: Peter Lloyd
1. Description
Electronic brainstorming or simply Online brainstorming (Brainlining) is the modern version of brainstorming. The word brainlining is...
Method of focal objects
Method of focal objects (MFO)1. Authors
American scientist Charles Whiting (1958), predecessor – German psychologist Friedrich Kunze “Method of catalog” (1926), follower Edward de Bono...
Braindrawing as the brainstorming technique
This technique can be used when a group of people prefer non-verbal methods of creativity. Braindrawing works by providing non-verbal...
Rightbraining as the brainstorming technique
It is used as a visual method of creating ideas. It also can be used also as a change from...
Visual brainstorming
Visual brainstorming: procedure steps and variations
Visual brainstorming technique is a graphic ideation, when group members sketch solutions to a problem. The sketches are used...
Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) technique
The Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) method was developed by researchers at the Battelle Institute in Frankfurt, Germany (J. N Warfield, H. Geschka and...
Air cliché
Basic Types of Brainstorming: Air cliché techniques
Author: Arthur Van Gundy
This technique is the combination of a fun atmosphere, a structured brainstorming procedure, and brainwriting....
Imaginary brainstorming
Imaginary brainstorming - specificity and procedure steps
This method is like Classic Brainstorming, but with a slight differences.
Basic Functions:
Shifting perceptions: By considering absurd or unrealistic scenarios,...
Trigger method
Trigger method as the type of brainstorming
Types of BrainstormingThe trigger method is often used in conjunction with classical brainstorming (Bujake, 1969).
This method is based...