Stop-and-go Brainstorming

Stop-and-go Brainstorming technique Types of BrainstormingThe brainstorming session is divided up into segments. Ideas are generated for three to five minutes and then the group is...

Card story boards

Card storyboards as a type of brainstorming It is an “idea’ organizing” method using tree logic. With card storyboards, the facilitator can concentrate on idea generation...

The other side of Things

A father was busy with his work while his little daughter constantly distracted him in an attempt to make him play with her. To keep...

Lotus Blossom Technique

Lotus Blossom - a creative technique for generating new ideas 1. Authors Thomas Eliot, Yasuo Matsumura, Michael Michalko 2. History This method was first applied by Thomas Eliot...

Group brainwriting technique

Group brainwriting with sharing ideas In this version new ideas are shared for additional stimulation. It is deal for groups that prefer to discuss through writing. Procedure...

How to solve a problem – checklist  by G. Polya

 Polya's checklist   Author: Hungarian mathematician George Polya (1887–1985), one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century. History: In 1945  George Polya proposed the four-step...

Nominal group technique

Nominal group technique: fundamental principles, essential characteristics and procedure steps This technique was originally developed by A. L. Delbecq and A. H. VandeVen  (1971),  and has...

The Buzz session

Buzz session as type of brainstorming This method was developed by J.D. Phillips (1948). A small group drawn from a larger group that discuss a specific...

Role Playing as a Creative Problem Solving Technique

Role Playing 1. Authors Rick Griggs, Michael Michalko. 2. History Role Playing as a group brainstorming method invented during the 1980s by business guru Rick Griggs. Later Michael...

14 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Сreativity

   Creativity is one of the most mysterious human qualities. Seemingly effortless for a rare few, it can be elusive for the majority. While...

Air cliché

Basic Types of Brainstorming: Air cliché techniques  Author: Arthur Van Gundy This technique is the combination of a fun atmosphere, a structured brainstorming procedure, and brainwriting....


Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) technique The Battelle-Buildmappen-Brainwriting (BBB) method was developed by researchers at the Battelle Institute in Frankfurt, Germany (J. N Warfield, H. Geschka and...