40 Inventive Principles in classical and modern TRIZ

40 Inventive Principles for resolving technical contradictions Genrich Altshuller discovered forty patterns of inventive solutions, known as 40 Inventive Principles. (TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). The analysis...

6-3-5 Brainwriting

Method 635 or 6-3-5 Method This is a group creativity technique originally developed by  Bernd Rohrbach (1968). The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6...

Electronic or online brainstorming

Online brainstorming (Brainlining)  Types of BrainstormingAuthor: Peter Lloyd 1. Description Electronic brainstorming or simply Online brainstorming (Brainlining) is the modern version of brainstorming. The word brainlining is...

Five Why – interrogative technique

Five Why Method 1. Author: Sakichi Toyoda (1867 –1930), Japanese inventor and industrialist, who is referred to as the "King of Japanese Inventors".2. History The technique...

How to solve a problem – checklist  by G. Polya

 Polya's checklist   Author: Hungarian mathematician George Polya (1887–1985), one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century. History: In 1945  George Polya proposed the four-step...

Snowballing technique

Snowballing technique as the type of brainstorming It is so called on the analogy of the increasing size of a snowball when rolled down a...

Kaleidoscope Brainstorming Technique

Kaleidoscope Brainstorming Technique or Silent brainstorming  Multiple Mind Conferencing (MMC)  (Dr. Murthy) This is a new approach to the brainstorming process, including different variations as to...

Creativity experts about creativity

Creativity quotes from creativity experts Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom while discouragement often nips it at the...

Individual brainwriting

Individual brainwriting technique Individuals write their ideas down in a private, quiet place and share them later. That is why this technique is also named Combined...

The Pin card technique

Basic Types of Brainstorming: Pin card technique  Pin-Card technique is another variation of Brainwriting method developed by the Battelle Institute (H. Geschka, et al., 1981) The...

Freewriting – Subconscious creative technique

Freewriting  1. Authors: Louise Dunlap, Peter Elbow, Natalie Goldberg and Mark Levy 2. History Such writers as Nikolai Gogol, William Yates, Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, Anatole...

Reverse Brainstorming

Reverse (negative) brainstorming Reverse brainstorming This method is combining brainstorming and reversal techniques. Theoretical background: its negativity can be advantageous and seen in a positive light. Reverse brain-storming...