Round-Robin and Roundtable brainstorming

Round-Robin brainstorming, the verbal and written versions Spencer Kagan (1992) popularized the use of the terms Roundrobin (to refer to an spoken turn-taking strategy) and...

Constrained brainwriting

Brainwriting pool technique with constraints This method is a version of the standard Brainwriting pool technique. Participants constrain ideas around pre-determined focus, rather than ranging freely....

Brainwriting game

Brainwriting game technique This method is set in the form of competitive game.  As long as the game atmosphere is fun rather than overly competitive,...

6-3-5 Brainwriting

Method 635 or 6-3-5 Method This is a group creativity technique originally developed by  Bernd Rohrbach (1968). The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6...

The Gallery method

Gallery method as the brainstorming technique  The Gallery method is the technique developed by the Battelle Institute and improved by Van Gundy, 1981 and others. In...

Brainwriting pool (BP)

Brainwriting pool This variation of brainstorming was developed by the Battlle Institute of Frankfurt, Germany. The brainwriting pool is an idea-generating tool in which new...

Live Life at the Limits: How to Hack Your Flow

Steven Kotler, New York Times bestselling author Researchers define flow as an “optimal state of consciousness,” a peak state where we feel our best...

How I find ideas in trivial details

By Nathan Kontny The guy who stares at screws Some folks have been interested in where I find blog ideas and ideas in general. If some of...

How To Get Into “The Zone”

How To Get Into Peak State or Flow Author: Lior Grossman    The zone is a peak state where you’re positively immersed and focused in a...

Group brainwriting technique

Group brainwriting with sharing ideas In this version new ideas are shared for additional stimulation. It is deal for groups that prefer to discuss through writing. Procedure...

Morphological analysis

Morphological analysis as a creative problem-solving technique Morphology (from Ancient Greek morphḗ  "form"; and lógos "study") - the study of the structure,  shapes or forms...

Individual brainwriting

Individual brainwriting technique Individuals write their ideas down in a private, quiet place and share them later. That is why this technique is also named Combined...