Creativity experts about creativity
Creativity quotes from creativity experts
Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom while discouragement often nips it at the...
Round-Robin and Roundtable brainstorming
Round-Robin brainstorming, the verbal and written versions
Spencer Kagan (1992) popularized the use of the terms Roundrobin (to refer to an spoken turn-taking strategy) and...
6-3-5 Brainwriting
Method 635 or 6-3-5 Method
This is a group creativity technique originally developed by Bernd Rohrbach (1968).
The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6...
The Best Creativity Techniques
Creative problem solving and
creativity techniques
I. Three pillars of activating creativity
1. Classical Brainstorming (Alex Osborn).
2. Synectics (William Gordon).
3. Morphological Analysis (Fritz Zwicky).
II. The classic methods...
Imaginary brainstorming
Imaginary brainstorming - specificity and procedure steps
This method is like Classic Brainstorming, but with a slight differences.
Basic Functions:
Shifting perceptions: By considering absurd or unrealistic scenarios,...
Lateral thinking technique – effective tool for creative problem solving
Lateral thinking technique as insight, innovation and creativity
1. Author
Edward de Bono (born May 19, 1933, Malta), was a British psychologist, writer, physician, inventor, expert...
Card story boards
Card storyboards as a type of brainstorming
It is an “idea’ organizing” method using tree logic.
With card storyboards, the facilitator can concentrate on idea generation...
Lotus Blossom Technique
Lotus Blossom - a creative technique for generating new ideas
1. Authors
Thomas Eliot, Yasuo Matsumura, Michael Michalko
2. History
This method was first applied by Thomas Eliot...
Group passing technique
Group passing technique and its versions
The Group passing technique involves sitting in a circle or around a table and offering solutions in a fast...
The Military Brainstorming Version
The Military Brainstorming Technique
The Military Brainstorming Technique is a structured approach to idea generation and problem-solving that emphasizes rapid, collaborative thinking to generate actionable...
The Pin card technique
Basic Types of Brainstorming: Pin card technique
Pin-Card technique is another variation of Brainwriting method developed by the Battelle Institute (H. Geschka, et al., 1981)
Nominal group technique
Nominal group technique: fundamental principles, essential characteristics and procedure steps
This technique was originally developed by A. L. Delbecq and A. H. VandeVen (1971), and has...