Carl Jung – Swiss Psychiatrist and Founder of Analytical Psychology

Carl Jung Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland - June 6, 1961, Küsnacht, Switzerland) (aged 85) Citizenship: Switzerland Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Psychologist, Lecturer and...

Istvan Magyari-Beck: Pioneer of Creatology and Creativity Science

István Magyari-Beck (1 October, 1941, Budapest, Hungary - 18 August, 2022 Budapest, Hungary) (aged 81) Citizenship: Hungary Occupation: Psychologist, educator, Professor and researcher in creatology, psychology, and...

Dean Keith Simonton: Leading Researcher on Creativity and Genius

Dean Keith Simonton born January 27, 1948, Glendale, CA; Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, USA Citizenship: USA Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychologist, professor, author, expert on creativity and genius. Specification: He...

Robert Sternberg: American researcher of creativity and intelligence

Robert Sternberg Robert Jeffrey Sternberg December 8, 1949, in Newark, New Jersey, United States Citizenship: USA Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychologist, psychometrician, author, researcher, lecturer Specification: Cognitive psychology, intelligence, Psychology of...

Howard Gardner: Author of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Prominent Creativity Researcher

Howard Gardner Howard Earl Gardner (July 11, 1943, Scranton, Pennsylvania - Present) (Aged 80) Nationality: United States of America Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychologist, Author, Educator Specification: Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Science,...

Teresa Amabile: Pioneer of Research on Organizational Creativity

Teresa Amabile Teresa Mary Amabile (born June 15, 1950, Quincy, Massachusetts, USA) Nationality: United States Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychologist, Professor Specification: Professor and Expert in the Psychology of Creativity, innovation...

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Creator of the Creativity Concept as the State of Flow

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Robert Csikszentmihalyi (Pronounced: "cheek-sent-me-high-ee"). (September 29, 1934, Fiume, Kingdom of Italy (now Rijeka, Croatia) - October 20, 2021, Claremont, California, U.S.) (Aged 87) Nationality: American,...

Edward De Bono – renowned creativity expert and the father of lateral thinking

Edward De Bono Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono (19 May 1933, St. Julian's Bay, Valletta, Malta – 9 June 2021, Malta) (aged 88) Citizenship: Malta, Britain Category:...

Alex Osborn – Father of Brainstorming and Method of Creative Problem Solving

Alex Osborn Alex Faickney Osborn (May 24, 1888, Bronx, New York City, USA – May 5, 1966, Buffalo, New York, USA) (Aged 77) Nationality: American, United States Category:...

Edward Titchener: Founder of Structural Psychology

Edward TitchenerEdward Bradford Titchener (11 January 1867, Chichester, Sussex, England - 3 August 1927, Ithaca, New York, USA) (aged 60) Nationality: United Kingdom, USA Category: Scientists Occupation:...

Pierre de Fermat – One of the greatest mathematicians of all times

Pierre de Fermat (17 August 1601 (or 1608), Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France -12 January 1665, Castres, France) Nationality: France Category: Scientists Occupation: Lawyers, Mathematics Unique distinction: One of the greatest mathematicians...

Joy Paul Guilford – One of the founders of the Psychology of Creativity

Joy Paul Guilford (March 7, 1897, Marquette, Nebraska, USA – November 26, 1987, Los Angeles) (Aged 90) Nationality: United States of America Category: Scientists Occupation: Psychologists Specification:  Psychology of Creativity, Applied Psychology Unique...