Philippe Pinel – The Father of Modern Psychiatry
Philippe Pinel
(20 April 1745, Saint-André, Tarn; France - 25 October 1826, Paris, France) (aged 81)
Nationality: France
Category: Scientists
Occupation: Psychiatrists, Physicians
Unique distinction: The father of...
Hippocrates of Cos – The father of Western medicine
Hippocrates of Cos
(ca. 460/ 450 BC , Island of Cos, Ancient Greece - 377/370 BC, Larissa, Thessaly, Greece)
Nationality: Greece
Category: Scientists
Occupation: Physicians, Philosophers
Unique distinction:...
Sigmund Freud — Founder of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Sigismund Shlomo Freud
(May 6, 1856, Freiberg, Austro-Hungary (now Příbor, Czech Republic) - September 23, 1939, London, England) (aged 83)
Citizenship: Austria
Category: Scientists
Occupation: Psychiatrists,...
Claude Bernard – Founder of Endocrinology
Claude Bernard
(July 12, 1813, Saint-Julien - February 10, 1878, Paris, France) (Aged 64)
Nationality: France
Category: Scientists
Occupation: Physiologists, Physicians
Unique distinction: The founder of experimental medicine, the...