Moses – Prophet, founder and Lawgiver of Israel

Moses Moshe (Hebrew name means "The one who draws out" or “child”), Moshe Rabbeinu ("Moses our Teacher"), Mūsa (Arabic) ( c. 1392 BC, Goshen, Egypt -...

Muhammad – Founder of Islam

Muhammad Mohammed, Mohamet, Muhammed Abu al-Qasim Muḥammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusai ibn Kilab (April 20, са. 570,...

Anaximander – Founder of Cosmology and Hylozoism

Anaximander Anaximander of Miletos (610/609 BC Miletus, Asia Minor (Now Balat, Turkey) -546/540 BC, Miletus, Asia Minor) Nationality: Greece Category: Votaries оf Spirit Occupation: Milesian school, Philosophers Unique distinction:...

Thales – First Greek and Western philosopher and scientist

Thales Thales of Miletos (625/624 BC, Miletus, Asia Minor (Now Balat, Turkey) - 546/545 BC, Miletus, Asia Minor) Nationality: Greece Category: Scientists Occupation: Philosophers Unique distinction: First Greek and...

Buddha – The Founder of Buddhism

Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, The Buddha (Enlightened one), Tathagata (He who has come thus) (563 BC, Lumbini near Kapilavastu (now Nepal),  India - 483 BC, Kushinagar,...

Mother Teresa – Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Mother Teresa Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (26/27 August 1910, Üsküb, Ottoman Empire (now Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) -5 September 1997, Calcutta, India) (aged 87) Nationality: India Category: Votaries...

Martin Luther King – World Human Rights Icon

Martin Luther King Martin Luther King, Jr (January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, United States - April 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee, United States) (assassination by gunshot)...