Don’t Rush To Change The World
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas...
Smart policemans
A homicide team enters a crime scene where a dead body of a fat old man lies there on the floor with blood oozing...
Fateful creative solution
One unfortunate merchant owed a large sum of money to a moneylender.
The old, ugly moneylender proposed that he would forget the debt
A bus stop pick-up riddle
While driving on your way home, you pass by a bus stop and see among the people waiting for the bus, an old lady...
Water Crossing By Rope
The deep round lake is 200 meters in diameter. In the middle of the lake there is an island where a tree grows. There...
Three cups puzzle
There are 3 empty teacups on the table. Can you put 10 lumps of sugar in them so that there would be an odd...
Ship Ladder Puzzle
A ship is at anchor. Over its side hangs a rope ladder with rungs a foot apart. The tide rises at the...
Small coin in the bottle
A guy claims to do the following thing. He puts a coin in a glass bottle. Then, he shuts the mouth of the bottle...
The detective who knew the laws of physics
Detective walked into a room with no windows and found a dead man, who was hanging from the ceiling, which is 12 feet above...
Creative solution to personal problem
A Marine was in the service. One day he received a letter from his girlfriend back home:Dear Ricky,
I can no longer continue our relationship....
The mystery of the elevator
On his way to work each morning, a man living on the fifteenth storey of an apartment building takes the elevator to the first...
The Field of Boliauns – Creative Problem Solving
One fine day in harvest, Tom Fitzpatrick went strolling along the sunny side of a hedge.
All of a sudden he heard a clacking noise...