How many 9 comes..?
In the city, a new district with 100 houses was constructed.Experts that produce nameplates, manufactured and brought a pack of new ones with the...
Creative vision through the eyes of a child
While сhanging the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of his fastening in the sewer grid, from where it was...
The Story of Young Gauss
In the lesson on arithmetic, the teacher, who decided to do his own business, asked the students to compute the sum of all the...
Trouble-shooter’s solution
A well-known shoe company has established the production of sneakers in one of the poor countries of Africa. However, over time, the owners noticed...
Pilot’s decision in an emergency situation
The pilot of the seaplane had an urgent need to speed up on the surface of the lake and fly up.Suddenly, the heads of...
The Importance of a Good Problem Statement
A metal rod stirred the liquid molten metal. However, at the same time it was collapsing and polluting the metal.The solution to the problem...
Emperor’s bold decision
At the beginning of our era, the Japanese had a custom: when the military commander passed away, all his servants were buried alive along...
On an exotic island you were bitten by a venomous snake.Fortunately, in the nearest settlement there was a doctor. He examined the wound and...
How to make a million dollars by simple solution
In the States there were two large firms engaged in the publication of yellow pages every month. Many office workers bought two directories at...
The Candle Problem by Karl Duncker, 1945
You are in a room with a table pushed against the wall.
On it is a box of thumbtacks, matches, and a candle.
You must fix...
Resourceful postman
When the postman arrived at the Smith home to deliver mail through a slot in the front door, he was surprised to find the...
Simple password
A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened.