Measuring Water puzzle

You had an infinite supply of water and a 3 and a 5 - liter bottles You would to measure exactly 4 liters of water. How...

Detective’s find

Once a detective found a pipe, a top hat, a scarf, a carrot and five pieces of coal lying together in the middle of a field. What...

Smart policemans

A homicide team enters a crime scene where a dead body of a fat old man lies there on the floor with blood oozing...

Time measurement task

A man has two ropes of varying thickness (Those two ropes are not identical, they aren’t the same density nor the same length nor...

Vigilant woman – a detective story

A woman is sitting in her hotel room when there is a knock at the door. She opened the door to see a man...

Funny idea to escape prisons

Two convicts are locked in a cell. There is an unbarred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed,...

Resourceful detective

A man murders his wife with a knife in their car. He throws her out of the car being careful not to leave any...

Life-saving decision for the ship and crew

A Navy sailor on the deck of a cruiser noticed an naval mine in the water directly in the path of the ship. With...

Creative solution to personal problem

A Marine was in the service. One day he received a letter from his girlfriend back home:Dear Ricky, I can no longer continue our relationship....

Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage Puzzle

A peasant has to cross a river with а wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. The boat can carry the peasant with only one...

Fire on Island

You are on an island, which is densely overgrown with dry grass and bushes. Suddenly you see that at one end of the island, a...

The other side of Things

A father was busy with his work while his little daughter constantly distracted him in an attempt to make him play with her. To keep...