Successful detection of a crime
The detective opened the door to the Company director's office and surveyed the scene.
director's head lay on the desk in a pool of blood....
Water Crossing By Rope
The deep round lake is 200 meters in diameter. In the middle of the lake there is an island where a tree grows. There...
Round or square?
This is frequently asked interview puzzleWhy is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?Круглые крышки не могут проваливаться, в отличие от...
The mystery of the elevator
On his way to work each morning, a man living on the fifteenth storey of an apartment building takes the elevator to the first...
Simple password
A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened.
Measuring the Great Pyramid
While the famous Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus was in Egypt,
he was asked to find out the height of the Great Cheops pyramid.
How could...
The Field of Boliauns – Creative Problem Solving
One fine day in harvest, Tom Fitzpatrick went strolling along the sunny side of a hedge.
All of a sudden he heard a clacking noise...
Creative riddles
1. How to pour the syrup inside the chocolate candy?2. How to light a match with water?3. A man throws a ball. It goes...
Party detective story
A man walks into a party and pours some punch and ice into a cup.
He was really thirsty and drank it really fast. Then...
Damage in favor
An absolute failure lived in Las Vegas.
He was always losing. Suddenly, he married a beautiful woman - millionaire. They started to visit casino...
The benefits of capacity seeing yourself through the eyes of others
Three hats are offered to two players – one white and two red.
They close their eyes and are told that each of them will...
Passage problem
A car with a container set in the body drives the road that leads under the railway bridge. Just before the bridge the driver...