Do the Opposite. How to get a good shot.

A duke was hunting in the forest with his men-at-arms and servants when he came across a tree. Upon it, archery targets were painted...

The Candle Problem by Karl Duncker, 1945

You are in a room with a table pushed against the wall. On it is a box of thumbtacks, matches, and a candle. You must fix...

The spinning girl

Which direction does the girl rotate? Clockwise or counterclockwise If you shift your gaze to the shadow, in the same instant, the direction of rotation will change.You...

A cup of tea. Creative Puzzle

A man called to a waiter in a restaurant, "There's a fly in my tea!" The waiter replied, "I will bring you a fresh cup."...

Fateful creative solution

One unfortunate merchant owed a large sum of money to a moneylender. The old, ugly moneylender proposed that he would forget the debt if...

Successful detection of a crime

The detective opened the door to the Company director's office and surveyed the scene. director's head lay on the desk in a pool of blood....

The detective who knew the laws of physics

Detective walked into a room with no windows and found a dead man, who  was hanging from the ceiling, which is 12 feet above...

A challenge for the fisherman – solution of practical problem

One fisherman bought himself a new fishing rod with 5 feet long.He has to commute home by public transport, where it is forbidden to...

Creative solution to personal problem

A Marine was in the service. One day he received a letter from his girlfriend back home:Dear Ricky, I can no longer continue our relationship....

Complete to the Whole

A farmer wants to divide his 17 horses among his three sons. According to farmer the oldest son should get half of the horses,the...

Birbal’s Wise Decision – example of creative problem solving

A farmer and his neighbour once went to Emperor Akbar's court with a complaint. "Your Majesty, I bought a well from him," said the farmer...

The mystery of frost on the window

A guy was found dead in his study by his friend. The victim’s friend called the police. He told them that when he was walking...