Creative Dialogue, Love, and Empathy

Creativity as Love and Dialogue Productive Dialogue and Mayeutics - a method of facilitating the birth of new knowledge, through questioning (Socrates, 5th century B.C.); Eros,...

Life-saving decision for the ship and crew

A Navy sailor on the deck of a cruiser noticed an naval mine in the water directly in the path of the ship. With...

A bus stop pick-up riddle

While driving on your way home, you pass by a bus stop and see among the people waiting for the bus, an old lady...

Universal mechanisms of Creativity

Universal mechanisms of creative dialogue with the World The hierarchical system of mechanisms is outlined to account for the creative dialogue that may occur between...

Creativity as a Problem Solving

Creativity as a problem-finding and problem-solving Productive thinking as an internal activity that focuses on the mastery of a task (O. Kulpe, 1895, N.Ach, 1905;...

A cup of tea. Creative Puzzle

A man called to a waiter in a restaurant, "There's a fly in my tea!" The waiter replied, "I will bring you a fresh cup."...

The riddle of The Sphinx

The Sphinx lurked outside Thebes in ancient Greece, and demanded passers-by answer a riddle: 'Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at...

Napoleon’s creative solution

In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte desired to take the title of Emperor in order to possess a great Western empire, just as his idol Charles...

Formation of a Сreatogenic Society

The Basic Conditions and Regularities of the Formation of a Сreatogenic Society S.L. Markov (Chernivtsi)Abstract. The article deals with the main characteristics of a new...

Creative activity

Creativity as a productive activity Taking the transcendental position, seeing inaction in action, and action in inaction, engaged in all sorts of activities, without desire...

Creativity as the Creation and Implementation of Possibilities

Creativity as the embodiment of Possibilities Creativity as a realization of the "Mystical potency" (Laozi, 6th c. BC); Creativity as "feeding the life" (shang yang), the realization...

Charismatic Theory of Genius

Charismatic Genius The charismatic theory of genius states that the essential characteristic of genius is its magical gift of influence, spiritual charm, hypnotic power, and...