Creativity as realization of Creative Attitude and Sense Creation

Creativity as the realization of creative strategies and the creation of new meanings Creativity as a  governance with the help of  the sample and the...

Creative Developing Interaction

Creative Interaction Relationship between individual and materials, people, circumstances (Rogers,1962); Transactional relationships  between the individual and environment (Stein,1962); Model of four dimensions of creativity ("logic of...

Creativity as the creation and realization of the Whole

Creativity as the ambodiment  of the Whole Harmonisation of Life Path  with the Universal Flow  ("The Book of Changes" ("I Ching"), 16th -12th  century BC);...

Creativity as the Creation and Implementation of Possibilities

Creativity as the embodiment of Possibilities Creativity as a realization of the "Mystical potency" (Laozi, 6th c. BC); Creativity as "feeding the life" (shang yang), the realization...

Creativity as achievement and realization of a Freedom

Creativity as an embodiment of a Freedom Sunyata as an "emptying of consciousness",  releasing from the rigid views and unnecessary attachments (Buddha, 6th. c. BC, Nagarjuna, 2nd...

Сreativity as the Unfolding and Embodiment of the Absolute

1. Сreativity as the Unfolding of the Absolute, a Universal Evolution and Creativity of Nature 1.1. Creativity as an Embodiment of the Absolute and...

The Main Stages of Creativity

Model of the creative process The main stages of creativity and creative problem solving  1. Saturation (preparation). 2. Incubation. 3. Illumination (Inspiration). (H. Helmholtz, 1891, 1896).1. Random combinations. 2. Selection (A....

Sarah Bernardth creative solution

The great French actress Sarah Bernhardt, at the height of her fame, found a rival in the person of one young actress, who was...

Mystery of Missing Petrol

During the petrol transporting from one plant to another, the fuel tanker ever wasted 10 litres of petrol. The process of filling the tank at...

Brilliant Simplicity – Example of Creative Problem Solving

One Major Research Institute has been tasked to measure the temperature of weevil, a pest beetle. Long-term investigations and the use of expensive equipment were...

Napoleon’s creative solution

In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte desired to take the title of Emperor in order to possess a great Western empire, just as his idol Charles...

The school inspection

A school teacher knew that the school superintendent would visit the next day. The superintendent would ask questions such as spelling or mental...