Detective’s find

Once a detective found a pipe, a top hat, a scarf, a carrot and five pieces of coal lying together in the middle of a field. What...

Сreativity as the Unfolding and Embodiment of the Absolute

1. Сreativity as the Unfolding of the Absolute, a Universal Evolution and Creativity of Nature 1.1. Creativity as an Embodiment of the Absolute and...

Inventive General: Unraveling Story that Requires a Creative Solution

During a momentous battle, a Japanese general decided to attack even though his army was greatly outnumbered. He was confident they would win, but...

Creativity as realization of Creative Attitude and Sense Creation

Creativity as the realization of creative strategies and the creation of new meanings Creativity as a  governance with the help of  the sample and the...

Creativity as a Problem Solving

Creativity as a problem-finding and problem-solving Productive thinking as an internal activity that focuses on the mastery of a task (O. Kulpe, 1895, N.Ach, 1905;...

The spinning girl

Which direction does the girl rotate? Clockwise or counterclockwise If you shift your gaze to the shadow, in the same instant, the direction of rotation will change.You...

Vigilant woman – a detective story

A woman is sitting in her hotel room when there is a knock at the door. She opened the door to see a man...

Articles on the psychology of creativity

Psychology of creativity, creative vision, creative management and methods of enhancing creativity 1. Sergey L. Markov. Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of...

Sarah Bernardth creative solution

The great French actress Sarah Bernhardt, at the height of her fame, found a rival in the person of one young actress, who was...

Unified Theory of Creativity

Unified Theory of Creativity (Integrative, system, multifactor, complex, synthetic, synergetic, general, componential, interactionist, autopoietic)The history of the development of the unified,  theory of creativity 1. A...

Measuring the Great Pyramid

While the famous Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus was in Egypt, he was asked to find out the height of the Great Cheops pyramid. How could...

Three cups puzzle

There are 3 empty teacups on the table. Can you put 10 lumps of sugar in them so that there would be an odd...