The Light Switches Riddle
There are three switches outside a closed room. There are three lamps inside the room. You can flip the switches as much as you...
The Relativity of Truth
“What is your age?” asked the judge. “Remember you’re under oath”
“I am twenty one years and some months” the woman answered.
Really she was an...
A cup of tea. Creative Puzzle
A man called to a waiter in a restaurant, "There's a fly in my tea!"
The waiter replied, "I will bring you a fresh cup."...
Round or square?
This is frequently asked interview puzzleWhy is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?Круглые крышки не могут проваливаться, в отличие от...
Measuring the Great Pyramid
While the famous Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus was in Egypt,
he was asked to find out the height of the Great Cheops pyramid.
How could...
Director’s creative solution
There was a problem in the one of Paris’ theaters. Women keep their stylish high hats on at the hall. This caused difficulties for...
Ship Ladder Puzzle
A ship is at anchor. Over its side hangs a rope ladder with rungs a foot apart. The tide rises at the...
“AHA and” HAHA” reactions (a)
1. What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?
2. What has a neck, but no head?
3. Why did the man...
“AHA” and “HAHA” reactions (b)
1. How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty?
2. How far can a dog run into the forest?
3. What do you...
Damage in favor
An absolute failure lived in Las Vegas.
He was always losing. Suddenly, he married a beautiful woman - millionaire. They started to visit casino...
Passage problem
A car with a container set in the body drives the road that leads under the railway bridge. Just before the bridge the driver...
Small coin in the bottle
A guy claims to do the following thing. He puts a coin in a glass bottle. Then, he shuts the mouth of the bottle...