Unified Theory of Creativity

Unified Theory of Creativity (Integrative, system, multifactor, complex, synthetic, synergetic, general, componential, interactionist, autopoietic)The history of the development of the unified,  theory of creativity 1. A...

Worldgenic theories of Creativity

Worldgenic approach to Theories of Creativity Theoretical analysis of the multi-layered, multi-sphere and multi-leveled made it possible to reduce all the richness of its manifestation forms...

Universe theories of Creativity

Universe approach to the main theories of creativity The universe and metaphysical approach to creativity allow us to define it as the existence and manifestation of...

Main Theories of Creativity

Metaphysical and topological dimensions of creativity Understanding the phenomenon and the intrinsic nature of creativity requires the utmost opening of the semantic contexts, radical expansion...

King Akbar’s Line

One day the Great Akbar drew a line on the floor and asked his sage Birbal to shorten it without touching and wiping out...