Creative Developing Interaction
Creative Interaction
Relationship between individual and materials, people, circumstances (Rogers,1962); Transactional relationships between the individual and environment (Stein,1962); Model of four dimensions of creativity ("logic of...
Universe theories of Creativity
Universe approach to the main
theories of creativity
The universe and metaphysical approach to creativity allow us to define it as the existence and manifestation of...
Creativity as the creation and realization of the Whole
Creativity as the ambodiment of the Whole
Harmonisation of Life Path with the Universal Flow ("The Book of Changes" ("I Ching"), 16th -12th century BC);...
Сreativity as the Unfolding and Embodiment of the Absolute
1. Сreativity as the Unfolding of the Absolute, a Universal Evolution and Creativity of Nature
1.1. Creativity as an Embodiment of the Absolute and...
Creativity as achievement and realization of a Freedom
Creativity as an embodiment of a Freedom
Sunyata as an "emptying of consciousness", releasing from the rigid views and unnecessary attachments (Buddha, 6th. c. BC, Nagarjuna, 2nd...
Creativity as the Creation and Implementation of Possibilities
Creativity as the embodiment of Possibilities
Creativity as a realization of the "Mystical potency" (Laozi, 6th c. BC); Creativity as "feeding the life" (shang yang), the realization...