Congregative theory of Genius

Geniuses - Unifiers of the Worlds Congregative (from Latin congregatio - unification) theory of genius asserts that the essence of genius is manifested in its...

Essential theories of Genius

Essential theories IV. Essential theories (from Lat. Essentia - the essence of) reveal the essence and core universal dimensions of genius as well as...

Universe-and-personalistic theory of Genius

Universe-and-personalistic theory 5. Universe-and-personalistic (from Lat. universum - a single  Universe, Latin unio - unity, versum - towards ... or verso-twist, rotate, and from lat....

Metapotentialist Theory of Genius

Metapotention theory 2. Metapotentialist theory (from Greek meta - after, through, from Latin potentia - power, possibility) - sees the essence of genius in its...

Heroic theory of Genius

Heroic Theory Heroic Theory of Genius states that a genius is a hero possessing spiritual greatness, a magic talent, boundless courage, fearlessness of mind,...

Personological Theory of Genius

Genius as a unique individuality and the pinnacle of evolution The personological theory of genius defines genius as the peak of evolution and the crown...

Universality Theory of Genius

The theory of universality of genius The theory of universality (from Latin Universalis - universal, all-encompassing, global, relating to the whole, to the Universe) states...

Behavioral Theory of Genius

Genius as a Great Work and Productivity The behavioral theory considers the essence of genius from the point of view of the creative product created...

Visionary theory of Genius

Visionary theory Visionary theory (from Lat. visio –vision, seeing, idea) claims that the basis of genius is the aptitude for universe, holistic, planetary and creative...

Transpersonal theory of Genius

Transpersonal theory 5.2. Transpersonal theory (from Lat. trans - through, over and persona - person) states that the condition of genius is the experience...

Charismatic Theory of Genius

Charismatic Genius The charismatic theory of genius states that the essential characteristic of genius is its magical gift of influence, spiritual charm, hypnotic power, and...

Creative vision theory of Genius

Creative vision  theory  5.4. Creative vision theory claims that the fundamental basis of genius and its source and body is a Creative Vision, which can...