Evolutionary theories of Genius

Evolutionary theories 3.2. Evolutionary theories  (from Lat. evolutio – unfolding, unrolling) consider patterns and mechanisms of the formation of genius as a result of an...

Transnormality theories of Genius

Transnormality theories Transnormality theories of Genius (from Lat. trans - across, over;  norma – norm, rule)  see the causes of genius in a wide...

Procedural-dynamic theories of Genius

Major procedural dynamic theories of Genius Procedural dynamic (from Lat. Processus - the passage, progress, and from Greek Δύναμις, "dynamis" - force) theories reveal patterns of...

Genetics theories of Genius

Genetics theories 3.1.  Genetic (from Lat. Genesis - creation, origin) theories are aimed at studying the origin of genius, the disclosure of the conditions...