Substantial – imperative theory of Genius

Substantial - imperative theory 5.1. Substantial - imerative (from Lat. substantialis-essential, which has an independent existence, from Lat. imperatum - order, command , prescription)  theory...

Theories of Genius

Universal explanatory Matrix of theories about Genius Genius (from Lat. genius - spirit) is a phenomenon of global scale and its mystery is commensurate with...

Structural-functional theories of Genius

Structural-functional theories Structural-functional theories of genius based on originality and degree of development of separated complete components of personality and, accordingly, the ways and mechanisms...

Creative vision theory of Genius

Creative vision  theory  5.4. Creative vision theory claims that the fundamental basis of genius and its source and body is a Creative Vision, which can...

Transpersonal theory of Genius

Transpersonal theory 5.2. Transpersonal theory (from Lat. trans - through, over and persona - person) states that the condition of genius is the experience...

Heroic theory of Genius

Heroic Theory Heroic Theory of Genius states that a genius is a hero possessing spiritual greatness, a magic talent, boundless courage, fearlessness of mind,...

Universe-and-personalistic theory of Genius

Universe-and-personalistic theory 5. Universe-and-personalistic (from Lat. universum - a single  Universe, Latin unio - unity, versum - towards ... or verso-twist, rotate, and from lat....

Visionary theory of Genius

Visionary theory Visionary theory (from Lat. visio –vision, seeing, idea) claims that the basis of genius is the aptitude for universe, holistic, planetary and creative...

Metapotentialist Theory of Genius

Metapotention theory 2. Metapotentialist theory (from Greek meta - after, through, from Latin potentia - power, possibility) - sees the essence of genius in its...

Universality Theory of Genius

The theory of universality of genius The theory of universality (from Latin Universalis - universal, all-encompassing, global, relating to the whole, to the Universe) states...

Congregative theory of Genius

Geniuses - Unifiers of the Worlds Congregative (from Latin congregatio - unification) theory of genius asserts that the essence of genius is manifested in its...

A genetic approach to the nature of genius

Sergey L. Markov. A genetic approach to the nature of genius Abstract. Іn the article the main characteristics, stages and modifications of the genetic approach...