Formation of a Сreatogenic Society

The Basic Conditions and Regularities of the Formation of a Сreatogenic Society S.L. Markov (Chernivtsi)Abstract. The article deals with the main characteristics of a new...

Artistic principles and aesthetic ideals of Zen

Aesthetic  principles of Zen and its manifistationTable 1. Artistic principles and aesthetic ideals of Zen in the Structure of Primordial Essences and Phenomenal Worlds      ...

Personal mechanisms of sense creation

Sergey L. Markov.  Personal mechanisms of sense creationThe paper discusses and analyzes the personal mechanisms of grasping and creating the new meanings. The system...

Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity

Sergey L. Markov. Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativityAbstract. The major classical and modern methods of...

A genetic approach to the nature of genius

Sergey L. Markov. A genetic approach to the nature of geniusAbstract. Іn the article the main characteristics, stages and modifications of the genetic approach...

Sense creation in the structure of processes of meaning dynamics

Sergey L. Markov. Sense creation in the structure of processes of meaning dynamics The article discusses the basic processes of meaning dynamics of personality, reveals...

Primordial generating matrix of Dzogchen

"The Three Statements that Strike the Vital Point" by Garab DorjeTable 1а.  Initial generating matrix of Dzogchen (Theory)Hitting the Essence in Three Words  the final testament of...

Сreative approach to security management

Markov S. L. Сreative approach to security  managementAbstract. The article deals with new approaches and methods for security management in the face of rising...

Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of creativity

Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of creativity Sergey L. MarkovAbstract. The model and method for the construction of unified theory of...

Creative management and management of creativity in the modern creatological formation

Markov S.L. Creative management and management of creativity in the modern creatological formation  Abstract. The article defines qualitatively unique and distinguishing features of the new socio-cultural creatological...

Mechanisms of Creative Dialogue with the World

 Mechanisms of Creative Dialogue with the World Sergey L. Markov Markov, S. L. (1997) Mechanisms of Creative Dialogue With the World. Paper presented at the 105th...

Articles on the psychology of creativity

Psychology of creativity, creative vision, creative management and methods of enhancing creativity 1. Sergey L. Markov. Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of...