- Main Theories of Creativity
- Universe theories of Creativity
- Сreativity as the Unfolding and Embodiment of the Absolute
- Creativity as achievement and realization of a Freedom
- Creativity as the Creation and Implementation of Possibilities
- Creative Developing Interaction
- Creativity as the creation and realization of the Whole
- Worldgenic theories of Creativity
- Creativity as realization of Creative Attitude and Sense Creation
- Creative activity
- Creativity as a Problem Solving
- Creative Dialogue, Love, and Empathy
- Creativity as self-actualization and the realization of personality traits
- Unified Theory of Creativity
- Universal mechanisms of Creativity
- The Main Stages of Creativity
Creativity as an embodiment of a Freedom
Sunyata as an “emptying of consciousness”, releasing from the rigid views and unnecessary attachments (Buddha, 6th. c. BC, Nagarjuna, 2nd -3rd c. AD); Skepticism as the fight against dogma and authority, “refraining from judgments” (Pyrrho, 4th c. BC ); Doubt the reliability of perception (Sextus Empiricus, 2nd c. AD); Free will – free choice of participating in the divine creation (Augustine, 388-395); Creativity as a liberation from the shackles of time, from the bondage of karma, from purpose and result, “dropping of body and mind” and following the inner creative nature (Chan Buddhism, Hueynen, 7- 8 th. c. AD., Zen Buddhism, Dogen, 13th c.); Free will and creativity as the essence of man, free creative realization of its own nature (Pico della Mirandolla (ed.1496); Free thinking, rejection of dogma, assertion of freedom of the mind, skepticism and doubt as a method of disclosure of internal nature (Montaigne, 1580; B. Pascal (ed.1669), David Hume (1739); The state of the free play of the cognitive faculties” (Kant, 1790); Cognition as a creative expression of freedom, producing a image of the thing, creation of the truth in his own work (I.G. Fichte, 1797); Awakening of “Dionysian spirit”, annihilation and revaluation of values (F. Nietzsche, 1872); Theory of primitive religion and poetry, as the realization of universal irrational structures (J. Fraser, 1890); Creativity as the free from social constraints, irrational, creative flow of life (W. Dilthey, 1906 ; G. Simmel, 1911; O.Spengler, 1918); Creativity as the vital force or impulse of life (élan vital ) (A. Bergson, 1907); Creativity as an expression , confirmation and realization of substantial freedom (N. Berdyaev, 1911, 1916); Creativity as a phenomenological reduction, transcending of the natural attitude, purification from reality, and the constitution of meaning (E. Husserl, 1913); “The absolute free will”, which arises from the absolute emptiness (“creative nothingness”) as the heart of the human and the center of the creative universe (Nishida Kitaro, 1920); Creativity and freedom, as an eternally live spontaneity of human personal spiritual center (M. Scheler, 1927); Movement and occurrence of the thought inside the lumen of freedom (M. Heidegger, 1935); The primordial inner freedom, a free implementation of the project and exercise free choice (J. P Sartre, 1946); Deconstructing the obvious content, provocativness, destruction of centrisms and stereotypes, intellectual game, freedom of interpretation and release of new meanings (J.Derrida, 1967, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, 1972; J. F. Lyotard, 1979); Theory of “epistemological anarchism” or “methodological liberlism” , principle “Everything is going” (P. Feyerabend, 1975).
Creative intuition, free unconscious activity, transcendence and deconstruction. The theory of accidental discoveries and Serendipity (H. Walpole, 1774; R.M. Roberts, 1989); Destruction, deconstruction, denial, Absurdisation, annihilation of old and unimportant, reappraisal (Max Stirner, 1844, Friedrich Nietzsche, 1886, Heidegger , 1927; J.P. Sartre, 1943, Camus, 1951, Keiji Nishitani, 1967 J. Derrida, 1967), Intuition as instinct (A. Bergson, 1907); Realization of unconscious desires, general unconscious mechanisms and free associations (S. Freud, 1908, 1938); Creativity as “transcendence”, as life’s and person’s reaching beyond itself (G. Simmel, 1911); Subconscious creativity and intuition (A . Poincaré, 1913, Hadamard, 1945); Creativity as the unity of a free existence and transcendence, as overcoming of the boundary situations (K. Jaspers, 1935); Discovery and creativity as irrational, intuitive processes (H. Reichenbach, 1938 K. Popper , 1968); “Regression in the service of the ego” (E. Kris, 1957); Preconscious activity (L.S. Kubie, 1958); Paleologic thinking (transformations of endocepts) (S. Arieti, 1976); Deviation from the usual ways of problem solving and overcoming functional fixedness (N. R. F. Maier, 1931; K. Duncker, 1945; R.E. Adamson, 1952; T.P German, H.C., Barrett, 2005); Destructive process of breaking old patterns (H.A. Shepard, 1957); Adventurous thinking (F. C. Bartlett, 1958); Divergent thinking: fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, ability to generate multiple ideas (J. Guilford,1959); Lateral thinking (E. De Bono, 1967); Theory of random variation (D. Campbell, 1960) and chance configurations (D. Simonton, 1988); “Deconstruction”, “destruction/reconstruction” of a text (J. Derrida, 1967); Creation of structures, moving mosaic of fundamentally secondary discrete elements, which are permanently altering its configuration relative to each other (R. Barthes, 1972); Creativity as a libaration of the unconscious (W. Harman, H. Rheingold, 1984); Kaleidoscope thinking (M. Kanter, 1988); Creative Problem-Solving Through Dreams (P. Garfield, 1974; R.D.Cartwright, 1974; M. Schatzman (1983), S. Krippner, J. Dillard, 1988; D.Barrett, 1993, 2007; G.L.White, L. Taytroe (2003); U. Wagner, S. Gais, H. Haider, R. Verleger, J. Born, 2004; T. Stumbrys, 2009); Blind variations and chance configurations (D. Simonton, 1993); Deep unconscious cognitive activation (D.M. Wegner, L. Smart, 1997); Creative emergence as sudden arising of new patterns and structures possessing new properties, “self-trancedenting construction” (J. Goldstein,1999, S. Strogatz, 2003); Creativity as an activating Unconscious Thought and awakening of background knowledge (A. Dijksterhius, T. Meurs, L.F. Nordgen, 2006; M.W. Bos, R.B.Baaren, 2008; C.B. Zhong, A, A. D. Galinsky, 2008; Simone M. Ritter, Rick B. van Baaren, A. Dijksterhuis, 2011); Creativity as using of the chaotic process of the unconscious (N.C. Andreasen, 2011).
Intuition. Intuition as a creative process (F. Vaughan, 1979; J. Metcalfe, D. Wiebe, 1987; K.S. Bowers, G. Regehr, C. Balthazard, K. Parker, 1990; W. Wippich, 1994; J. Langan-Fox, D. Shirley, 2003; A. Bolte, T. Goschke, 2005; Gladwell, M. 2005; Zhou Zhijin, Zhao Xiaochuan, Liu Chang, 2005); Intuition, creativity, dialogue and tacit knowledge (M. Quinn, 2002);
Emotion and intuition (A. Bolte, T. Goschke, J. Kuhl, 2003); Manifestation of the “intellectual subconscious» (G. Claxton, 2005); A fundamental bridging construct in the behavioural sciences (G.P. Hodgkinson, J. Langan-Fox, E. Sadler-Smith, 2008); Intuition as a Problem-solving (J.I. Fleck, J. Kounios, 2009); Strategic intuition and decision-making (N. Khatri, 2000, G. Klein, 2003; W. Duggan, 2007); The use of intuition in education (R.M. Hogarth, 2001); Intuition in business and practical life (LA Robinson, 2006; K. Cloninger, 2006).