Creativity as the creation and realization of the Whole

Creativity as the ambodiment  of the Whole

Harmonisation of Life Path  with the Universal Flow  (“The Book of Changes” (“I Ching”), 16th -12th  century BC);  Actions managed by the universal laws of the Tao, the implementation of the principle of non-actions (wu-wei) (Laozi, 6th  c. BC);  Imitation (Mimesis) (Democritus, Plato, 5th – 4th c. BC, Aristotle, 4th c. BC);  Actions in accordance with the divine cosmic plan, the subordination of nature, following the natural course of things (Stoicism, 4th  BC); Imitation of beautiful nature (Charles Batteux, 1746); “Creative synthesis” as the union of the physical elements and as qualitatively unique integrity that define an associative links (W. Wundt, 1880); The openness to the whole, achieving the unity and harmony with the primary entities of the Universe (H. Anderson, 1965); Integrating of  a separated parts of knowledge stored in the memory into a coherent whole (W. Keller, 1930;  M. Wertheimer, 1945); Finding a balance between subject and object, individual and the universe  (S.Arieti, 1976); “Transdimensional transition” from the disjunction to the conjunction, from opposition to the complementarity and to the creation of a metasystem (A.A. Koblyakov, 2003).
Creativity as forming and transformation. Integration of facts, impressions and feelings into a new form (J.D. Porsche, 1955); Creating a new and useful patterns (G.M. Read, 1955); Translation of knowledge and ideas into a new form (A. Duhrssen, 1957); Structuring and the transformation of a meanings of a text as a separate goal and the result of creativity (Roland Barthes, 1957; Julia Kristeva, 1971);  The ability to reformulate and reorganize (V. Lowenfeld, 1962);  Directed transformations through co-incidence, co-ordination and fittest (D. Feldman,1979);   Creativity is the process of generating unique products by transformation of existing products (P. Welch, 1980); Transformative Wisdom (W. Harman, H. Rhengold, 1984); Creativity as a transformative thinking (J.Wycoff, T. Richardson, 1995); Intention to transform the objective world, couple with the ability to decide  when this is useful  ( M. Runco,1996); Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one (M. Csikszentmihalyi, 1996).


Transformative thinking and insight. Immediately  visual grasping of the good structure through insight (W. Keller, 1917; N. Maier, 1931 K. Duncker, 1945; J.W. Schooler, J. Melcher, 1995); The reorganization, regrouping and centering of structures by choosing a good structure (M. Wertheimer, 1945);  Visual perception as the creating a complete images and immediate grasping of reality (R. Arnheim, 1954); The transformation of knowledge, creation of new patterns, a transformation of meaning  or use the functions of objects in a new way (J. Guilford,  1962, 1967);   Problem Solving as the process of integration, reorganization and restructuring of existing experience (M. D. Mumford, K. A. Olsen, L. R.James,1988); The transformation of conceptual spaces (M. Boden, 1990); Reorganization of habitual patterns and  creating a new “Mind Maps” (Tony Buzan, 1972, 1974); Insight as executing moves that maximally reduce the distance between current and goal state (J. MacGregor, T. Ormerod, E. Chronicle, 2001); The representational change theory – achievement of insight by geting rid of fixations, self-imposed constraints and interfering associations (R.E. Mayer, 1995; S.M. Smith, 1995; Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S.,  G. E. Raney, 2001;  A.J.K.  Pols, 2002; M.A. Schilling, 2005); Evolutionary theory of insight  (Joseph Campbell, 1960; D. Simonton, 1995; A.J.K.  Pols, 2002; M.A. Schilling, 2005); The processes of incubation and insight in creative problem solving (S. Ohlsson, 1992; S.M. Smith, R.A. Dodds, 1999); Transformation of meaning as the creation of metaphors (D. S. Miall, 1983); Neurual model of insight (E.M. Bowden, M. Jung-Beeman, J. Fleck, J.Kounios, 2005);  Insight as the results of integration of explicit and implicit knowledge and CLARION theory ( S.Helie, R. Sun, 2010).