- Classical and modern creativity techniques
- Creative Vision of the World
- Creativity trainings
Training: Developing creative attitude and skills of managers and leading employees
A practical course “Creative Management”: Creative Management as the shortest way to survival and success achievement in the modern era
Target audience
- Managers, key employees of companies who need to daily generate and “promote” new ideas, products, services, to significantly increase the effectiveness of the company.
- Employees that faced the problem of a continuous search for productive ideas and solving the non-standard tasks and situations.
- Employees whose professional activity is related to communication with business partners and increasing the team interaction within the company.
- Marketing, advertising and public relations experts.
- Managers and members of the creative projects and work teams.
- All members of the organization focused on optimization and improving the efficiency of activity, on the survival and gaining success and some advantage during the crisis.
Methods of training
- Presentation of theoretical material and discussion.
- Demonstration of various techniques of creative management with an explanation and analysis.
- Group solving of practical tasks, real-world business goals and specific life and professional problems.
- Role-playing and business games.
Aims and the most important tasks of training
- Formation and development of a holistic and creative approach to the management and activities.
- Formation of creative vision – the ability of the comprehensive, multi-dimensional perception of events and phenomena, sensitivity to market changes, the aptitude for systematic and strategic analysis, for vision of the future, finding and creating new opportunities.
- Formation of creative method – the system of effective techniques, skills and abilities to the creative practical life problems solving.
Expected results of the training
- understanding of what is creative management and activities, what are their competitive advantage;
- development of specific skills and technology of creative management of innovations and changes in the company;
- acquaintance with tools of range and opportunities expansion of business and creation of competitive advantage;
- mastering the methods of motivating the staff to generate new ideas, to increase the efficiency and to creative practical problems solving;
mastering the technologies of creating and maintaining a creative environment in the company; - mastering the tools of Creative unfamiliar problems solving and Decision Making under uncertainty;
- awakening and development of creative potential, the disclosure of hidden creative resources and new opportunities.
Duration of training
1-2 days (8-16 hours)
Training program
- Goals and basic principles of creative management.
- Key differences and advantages of creative management style.
- Methods of creative planning, organizing and controlling of а successful company.
- Methods and techniques of creative communication.
- Basic rules and methods of creative negotiation, ways to recognize and neutralize the negotiating manipulation.
- Creative methods of conflict resolution and disclosure of their developing potential (mastering the techniques “Transform harm into benefit”, “Turn defeat into victory”.
- Methods of development of the capacity of creative leader.
- Methods of creative leadership development.
- Creative methods of “self-management” and time management.
- Methods of creative problem solving and Activating Creativity.
- Formation of Creative Vision.
Methods of creative problem solving and activating creativity
During the teaching the emphasis is made on application and use of existing methods and techniques in real life, the teaching is conducted through solving the practical business problems, as well as specific life and professional problems.
I. Three pillars of “Activating Creativity”
1. Brainstorming (Alex Osborne)
- Brainstorming technology: theoretical foundations, principles, organization and methods of optimization;
- Variations and modern versions of brainstorming: Directed , Reversed, Individual brainstorming, Round-Robin and Stop and go brainstorming, Group Passing Technique, Nominal Group Technique (A.Delbecq and A.Van de Ven), Team idea mapping method, Gordon variation, Online brainstorming or brainlining (P.Lloyd), electronic brainstorming, Question Brainstorming (Questorming), Brainwriting, “6-3-5 Brainwriting” (B. Rohrbach), BrainSketching (A. VanGundy), , Blue Slip Tecnique (R. Crawford),The pin card technique ((H. Geschka), BrainWriting Pool, COCD technique, Wild ideas technique (E. Glassman), Silly ideas technique (J. Wyckoff).
2. Synectics (William Gordon)
- Formation of Creative Vision.
- Synectics’ technology: theoretical background, principles and techniques.
- Methods of organizing and optimizing of synectic sessions.
3. Morphological analysis (Fritz Zwicky)
- Technology of morphological analysis: methodological background, principles and techniques;
- Morphological analysis of problems and objects;
- Methods of constructing the “Morphological matrix”.
- Modern versions and related techniques: Attribute Listing, Attribute Association Technique( R. Crawford, A. VanGundy), SCIMITAR system (J.Carson), Component Detailing Technique (Wakin,1985), Sequence-Atribute modification matrix, “Morphological Forced Connections” D. Koberg and J. Bagnall).
II. The classic methods of activating creativity and their application in management, business and real life
Creative problem solving techniques
- Method of catalog F. Kunze.
- Focal Objects Method ( Ch. Whiting).
- Forced Analogy (R. Olson), Forced Transfer and Forced Comparisons (J. Wyckoff).
- Interrogatories Techniques, Kipling technique (5Ws / H), Idea-Spurring Questions techniques, Checklists (G. Polya, T . Eiloart, R. Crawford, J. Pearson, A. Osborn’s Checklists etc.).
- Associations technique, method of garlands of coincidences and associations (G. Bush); Free Association Activities :”stream of consciousness”.
- Analogy and Metaphor Technique; Metaphorical Thinking (G.Morgan).
- Reversal method, Problem Reversal (Ch. Thompson).
- Mind mapping (T Buzan.).
- Lateral Thinking (de Bono E.).
- Six Thinking Hats Technique (de Bono E).
- Concept Fan, Provocation Technique (de Bono E).
- Visual Thinking Technique (R. McKim), Guided Visualization, Imagework.
TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
Classical variant (G.S. Altshuller) and its modern modifications ( M.I.Meerovich, etc.):
- theoretical background and basic principles of TRIZ;
- algorithm of problems solving, application of the method for solving the real-world business and life problems;
- formula for victory over the task: identification of key contradictions, Definition of an Ideal Final Result and resource efficient utilization.
III. Special and modern methods of creativity activation
Creative problem solving
- Wishful Thinking Technique (A. VanGundy).
- Progressive abstraction Technique (H. Geschka).
- Multiple Redefinition (T. Rickards).
- Reframing Matrix (M. Morgan).
- Algorithm of Relations (H. Crovitz).
- Decomposable matrices Technique (H. Simon).
- Disjointed Incrementalism Technique (D. Braybrooke, C. Lindblom).
- Force-field analysis is a technique (K. Lewin).
- Boundary Examination Technique.
- Bug List Technique.
- Modelling.
- Lotus Blossom Technique.
- DO IT (R. Olsen).
- Eight Disciplines Problem Solving.
- Simplex ( M. Basadur).
- Osborn-Parnes Model of CPS.
- Peaceful Setting technique, What -If Technique, Playing and Humorous approach.
- Edison technique, Method “ Trial and error”, Free Writing/Wet Inking.
- Manipulative verbs Technique, “Scamper” (B. Eberle), “Transform” (D.Iain, D. Berg).
- Wise Counsel Technique (S. Parnes); Creating Personal Hall of Fame (M. Michalko), “Superheroes” or Napoleon Technique, Role Plays, Other Peoples Viewpoints.
- System “The Universal Traveler “ (D. Koberg, J.Bagnal).
- System “Playful Perception Technique” (H. Left) and other Creative Technique.
- Focus Groups (R. Merton, E. Dichter).
- Disney Creativity Strategy (R. Dilts).
- Unconscious Problem Solving, Working with Dreams and Images (D.Glouberman), 3B (Bus, bed, bath) Technique, Fishhooking.
- Indirect Strategies (B.Anno, P.Schmidt), Random Stimuli Technique , Other sensory lenguages (D.Adams), Surfacing assumptions technique, Left Right Brain Alternations technique.
You are offered a basic version of the program. Each unit can be enhanced and varied in terms of content, form and time depending on the target audience, your needs and specific activities. This Training can be conducted as an individual or a corporate consultation
For more information, please contact us: Geniusrevive@gmail.com