- Articles on the psychology of creativity
- Mechanisms of Creative Dialogue with the World
- Creative management and management of creativity in the modern creatological formation
- Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of creativity
- Sense creation in the structure of processes of meaning dynamics
- Personal mechanisms of sense creation
- Сreative approach to security management
- Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity
- A genetic approach to the nature of genius
- Formation of a Сreatogenic Society
The Basic Conditions and Regularities of the Formation of a Сreatogenic Society
S.L. Markov (Chernivtsi)
Abstract. The article deals with the main characteristics of a new сreatogenic society formed within the information space. The creative personality is perceived as a central and significant factor of such a society. The main provisions of the sociological concept of genius are discussed. The social and cultural-historical determinants of the emergence of “genius clusters” are investigated. The conditions and ways of formation of a creatogenic society are suggested.
On the threshold of the new millennium, a qualitatively new post-industrial or information society is taking shape in the world at a rapid pace. In this society development and success are determined not by material resources, but by the possession of the largest amount of information and the ability to process it quickly…
The pace of socio-economic change is so rapid that a new, higher creatogenic formation is maturing in the depths of an information society that has not yet been fully formed. The distinctive feature and criterion of this new formation is the recognition and production of novelty, the ability to solve complex problems effectively, to generate new discoveries and ideas freely, and to implement them decisively in practice…
An analysis of the sociogenic theory of genius allows us to highlight the following most characteristic features and conditions of the social system that fosters the activation and development of creativity:
1. The high value of creativity, the prestige of creative activity, and the priority development of the creative personality.
2. Freedom of action, choice and thought.
3. Completeness, objectivity and accessibility of information.
4. Rich and diverse cultural and stimulating environment.
5. Pluralism of cultural trends and opinions.
6. The presence of conditions for dialogue with outstanding, talented individuals.
7. Creation of cultural, creative centres, concentrating intellect and talents, uniting bright creative personalities, innovators, enthusiasts and specialists of various fields and providing the most favourable conditions for their work.
8. The system of family, preschool and secondary and higher education aimed at the development of creativity. Presence of good teachers and mentors.
9. Creation of a strategy and system of high and immediate awarding of invention, and scientific and artistic creativity, using a wide range of material and moral incentives.
10. Ensuring the rapid implementation of ideas and the direct contribution of creative achievements to socio-economic development.
11. Development of creativity theory, creation of training and development centres for creativity.
Markov S.L. Basic conditions and regularities of the formation of a creatogenic society // Cross-border cooperation in the polyethnic regions of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe: Materials of the scientific symposium/Bukovinian Political Science Center, Bureau for Cooperation in Ukraine of the F. Ebert Foundation – Chernivtsi: Zoloti Litavry, 1999. – P. 32-36.