- Articles on the psychology of creativity
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- Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity
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Sergey L. Markov. Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity |
Abstract. The major classical and modern methods of enhancing creativity are considered and classified in the article. A new integrated model of creativity – 4Ps / S (process, product, person, environment, sense), in which the creative vision and sensecreation are perceived as the highest form of creativity, is introduced. Author proposed the universal method of creative vision forming that can serve as a creative training and a method of creative problem solving.
Key words: methods of enhancing creativity, model of creativity, creative vision, universal method, formation of creative vision.
Markov, S.L. (2011) Formuvannia tvorchogo bachennia osobystosti jak universalnyi metod aktivizacii tvorchosti [Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity]. In S.D. Maksimenko & L.M. Karamushka (Eds.),Actualni problemy psichologii. Vol 1. (pp. 374-380). Kyiv: Publishing House “A.C.K”.